We provide the following range of services:
- Health Financing incl. resource mobilization, costing, strategic purchasing, provide payment mechanisms, risk pooling, private sector engagement
- Health systems strengthening
- Technical assistance and advisory
- Product Development
- Risk Assessment Management
- Market research (Demand and Supply)
- Business Strategy development and Implementation
- Business process mapping and optimization
- Distribution Channel Management
- Institutional strengthening with capacity development
- Organisational change management
- Capacity Development and mentoring
- Project identification, design, and implementation
- Performance monitoring and evaluation
- Project evaluation
Selected projects
Health systems strengthening and financing advisory
Supporting multiple countries in the development and implementation of health systems strengthen policies and strategy, strategic purchasing, resources mobilization and optimization, health and social health insurance reforms, benefit package design and costing. Countries include Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zambia.
OCTOBER 2017 – JUNE 2019
Under the German International Cooperation (GIZ) – Integrated Climate Risk Management (ICRM) Project,
- Organized and led a study and facts finding mission of high-level government and private sector delegation from Ghana to Peru, mainly to draw experiences on how to link direct insurance (e.g., index-based and multi-peril crop insurance for small-holder farmers) to indirect insurance (sovereign risk insurance on drought and flood calamities) as well as built a joint technical understanding on the issues of disaster management, and agricultural insurance. Compiled a study report on the topic “Developing Agricultural Insurance Initiatives in Ghana – A Sector Review on Lessons Learnt and Recommendations”.
- Conducted a thorough analysis of the agricultural insurance market in Ghana and provided comprehensive recommendation on how the current business environment can be restructured for maximum impact. The assignment also highlighted how agricultural insurance can be aligned to the newly launched Ghana Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (GIRSAL) programme
APRIL 2018 – MAR 2019
Under the USAID funded Health Sector Resiliency (HSR) Project, Led the development and expansion of health insurance technical advisory and support to the government of Afghanistan. Roles incl.,
- Providing health insurance technical training and assistance to the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health
- Leading (1) the formulation and design of health insurance policies, research, and regulations and ultimately the Implementation of a health insurance programme in Afghanistan, (2) Phase II health insurance feasibility study in Afghanistan, (3) design of a health insurance benefit package for Afghanistan, (4) design and implementation of health insurance Willingness and Ability to Pay study in Afghanistan.
AUG 2016 – SEP 2017
Led CIDR’s health financing activities in Tanzania including the designing and piloting of an Improved Community Health Fund (iCHF). To ensure deeper local ownership and knowledge transfer, established and build the capacity of a local NGO, Health & Insurance Management Services Organisation (HIMSO), to take up the CIDR support to the health system.
MAY – NOV 2015
Evaluated 5 national health insurance programmes (namely Rhastriya Swasthya Bima Yojna in India, the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana, Universal Coverage Scheme in Thailand, Jamkesmas in Indonesia and the Mutuelles de Santé in Rwanda). The evaluation led to the development of a performance evaluation framework for government-sponsored health insurance. The framework was based on 4 principles: Efficiency, Measurability, Comprehensiveness, and Commonality.
NOV- DEC 2014
Developed and implemented a risk management (including performance monitoring) training for the management and board of directors of the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation( (EIC) on be-half of the International Advisory Services of the Frankfurt School of Finance Management
FEB – MAY 2014
Evaluated the UNCDF/ILO joint sector-based microinsurance projects in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Zambia. This involved engagement with stakeholders including the Kenya Insurance regulatory Authority (IRA), Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya, the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU), the Ethiopia Federal Cooperative Agency (FCA), the Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions (AEMFI), the Insurers Association of Zambia (IAZ), and the Zambia Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA). The evaluation adopted the PACE (Product, Access, Cost and Experience) tool as an analytical tool for establishing client value and the OECD/DAC criteria for determining the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the projects. Country reports and a strategy paper were presented.